Juan Rodríguez Hortalá

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- sscheck is a Scala library that defines a DSL for temporal logic formulas for writing ScalaCheck properties and generators for testing Spark Streaming programs.
- Flink Check is an extension of sscheck to support Flink streaming programs
- Contributions to open source projects: Apache Spark, Apache YARN, Apache Hive, Robot Operating System (Java, C++, Python, Scala)
- cdk8s-helm-plugin: A simple Helm plugin that serves as a proof of concept for an integration of the cdk8s infrastructure as code library for Kubernetes into the Helm package manager for Kubernetes. It allows to distribute cdk8s charts through OCI image registries, and install cdk8s charts as Helm releases, which allows using the release management and rollback capabilities of Helm for cdk8s charts.
- TemperatureMetrics: a simple Python deamon that sends temperature and humidity metrics collected with a Raspberry Pi and GrovePi+ sensors to AWS CloudWatch, to build a metrics dashboard on top of that.
Research publications